Project scientists present CEM-WAVE at Ceramics in Europe 2022
A “not-to-miss event” for the sector, read more about CEM-WAVE at Ceramics in Europe 2022!
A fundamental opportunity to share the CEM-WAVE project’s progress with a wider academic and industry audience, several consortium members reunited in Krakow, Poland, between 10 and 14 July 2022, to participate in the Ceramics in Europe 2022 conference. The event, organised by the European Ceramics Society (ECERS), the International Ceramic Federation, and the International Committee of Electroceramics, simultaneously hosted the XVII ECerS Conference, ICC9 and Electroceramics XVII.

Figure 2: Prof. G. Vignoles presents its contribution. Source: Ceramics in Europe 2022
During the conference, CEM-WAVE consortium members shared three oral contributions. On Monday, 11 July, Prof. Gerard Vignoles, from the Laboratory for ThermoStructural Composites (LCTS), which is supported by the University Bordeaux, the French National Scientific Research Centre (CNRS), Safran and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), presented a contribution titled: "Taming thermal gradients for an optimal chemical vapor infiltration with the help of modelling" (Figure 2).

On Tuesday, 12 July, Dr Andrea Cintio, from the Italian National Research Council (CNR)-led Istituto per i Processi Chimico Fisici (IPCF), presented on: "High temperature dielectric properties of different SiCf/SiC samples at various infiltration levels” (Figure 3).

Finally, on Wednesday, 13 July, Dr Roberto D’Ambrosio, also from IPCF and the University of Pisa, talked about: “Control of the sample temperature profile in pilot-scale Microwave-assisted Chemical Vapor Infiltration reactors by means of multiport/multifrequency excitation” (Figure 4). In addition, Dr Zhongmin Li, from the University of Birmingham (UOB) led a joint project scientific poster (UOB, IPCF, and the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC - FHF ISC) titled: “Modification of the microwave heating properties of alumina fibre preforms by microwave absorbing coatings” (Figure 5).

After three difficult years of dealing with the pandemic and its effects, the joint event was an occasion for our project members to interact and exchange updates on the status of work (Figure 6). While together, project members explored next steps, future strategies and interactions between work packages and ongoing activities. Furthermore, the conference allowed meeting a plethora of representatives from various European universities and industries (such as Schunk, Airbus, Ariane Group, etc.), which are working on or extensively using advanced ceramic composite materials.
Discussions with representatives from national agencies (i.e., the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the French CEA) confirmed that the project objectives and activities align with the latest directions in research and market trends. Such considerations provided interesting input for future project developments, which could also involve using microwave heating technologies beyond ceramic matrix materials.

All CEM-WAVE participants were satisfied with the participation and are looking forward to interacting more with the newly acquired contacts. Among the conference organisers is another notable CEM-WAVE consortium member academic, Prof. Jon Binner, from the University of Birmingham, who is also the President of the JECS Trust.
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